02890 239 967
Suicide Prevention Training Events

Training Events
Training Events

Suicide Prevention Training Events


SafeTALK – This is a 3.5-hour presentation to gain skills on how to become safer suicide alert and connect the person at risk to a trained ASIST caregiver.

Who should attend SafeTALK? – SafeTALK is for anyone over the age of 15 who wants to help prevent suicide front line workers, clergy, volunteers’ parents, teachers, law enforcements…. anyone who wants to help prevent suicide.

ASSIST – This is a 2-day training programme to gain skills of how to intervene when a person is at risk of suicide and get them to a safe place.

Learn four basic steps to recognise persons with thoughts of suicide
and connect them with suicide helping resources.

This three-hour training can help you make a difference.

Why come to safeTALK?
Most people with thoughts of suicide invite help. Often these opportunities are missed, dismissed or avoided—leaving people more alone and at greater risk. SafeTALK training prepares you to help by using TALK (Tell, Ask, Listen and KeepSafe) to identify and engage people with thoughts of suicide and to connect them with further help and care. If you believe you can help in giving care to a person at risk then this training will benefit you in enabling you to respond with confidence and skills.

Who should attend safeTALK?
safeTALK is for everyone who wants to help prevent suicide aged 16yrs and above: front line workers, clergy, volunteers, parents, youth*, teachers, law enforcement, … anyone who wants to help prevent suicide.

SAFETALK is a 3 – 4 hr programme that can be delivered to suit your group needs and participants don’t need any formal training anyone that wants to make a different can learn the SAFETALK steps

If you would like to book a place(s) please contact or for information on any of this training please contact:
02890 239967
Or email

ASIST 11 Training 2014
ASIST is designed to help all caregivers become more willing, ready and able to help persons at risk. Suicide can be prevented with the help of prepared caregivers.
Just as “CPR” skills make physical first aid possible, training in suicide intervention develops the skills used in suicide first aid. ASIST is a two-day intensive, interactive and practice-dominated course designed to help caregivers recognise risk and learn how to intervene to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.
The workshop is for all caregivers (any person in a position of trust). This includes professionals, paraprofessionals and lay people. It is suitable for mental health professionals, nurses, physicians, pharmacists, teachers, counsellors, youth workers, police and correctional staff, school support staff, clergy, community volunteers and the general public.

ASIST has five learning sections:

  • Preparing: sets the tone, norms, and expectations of the learning experience.
  • Connecting: sensitises participants to their own attitudes towards suicide. Creates an understanding of the impact, which attitudes have on the intervention process.
  • Understanding: overviews the intervention needs of a person at risk. It offers unique opportunities to learn new, more collaborative ways to help persons at risk keep safe.
  • Assisting: presents a Pathway for Assisting Life (PAL). Participants develop their skills through observation and supervised simulation experiences in large and small groups.
  • Working Together: encourages participants to think about their relationships with people at risk, as well as the relationship people at risk might have with a suicide safer community.
  • You could also host an in memory of for your event. 
  • Lots of our donations come from supporters who fundraise in memory of a loved one or friend.   Whether you’re doing a challenge, throwing an event, or just want to collect donations, you can set up an In Memory page through Just Giving. Find out more here -

ASIST is a 2-day workshop which runs from 9am – 5pm both days and attendance on both days is essential.  

If you would like to book a place(s) or for further information please contact – Margaret Walker on 028 90239967 0r email her at m.walker@suicideawareness.co.uk

Alternatively, please complete the form below and we will get in touch with you.

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